Burlesque to Brrrlesque



In 2010, show creators Erika Nyyssonen (Gracie Finnass) and Camilla MacEachern (Lhanda Plenty) both took a leap into the unknown and participated in Yellowknife's first ever burlesque show. It was such a great experience that they made a pact to do it again. They wanted to make sure other local ladies were given the opportunity to share in the amazing experience either again or for the first time.  

In 2011, going in blind with no direction they decided to initiate the first ever Brrrlesque. Humbled and overwhelmed by the response and energy that they received from performers and the audience it was realized that something special had materialized and that Brrrlesque was more than just a performance, it was a collective of everyday woman of all ages, sizes, talent and experience with a common goal to push themselves to new heights.

Brrrlesque strives to expose Yellowknifers to the art of burlesque through classy, comedic, light hearted, sexy and tasteful numbers. The show combines music, dance and theatre. With their sassy and witty MC Heidi Kane (Usula von Icebergs), Brrrlesque enters their sixth year and plans to continue to leave you inspired and warm for the remainder of our north's cold winter months. 

"Brrrlesque has brought the warmth I needed to my Northern winters. These ladies are making the NWT set the bar for everyone else in terms of sexyness and empowerment" -Jade


How to Become part of the show

Click on the Audition tab for more info!